The rescue of the Poseidon - Book One
Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:34 pm
Copyright 2006
Battlestar Argus is fan fiction based on the Universal Studios owned and copyrighted Battlestar Galactica. This story was an exercise in learning how to write for the science fiction genre and no copyright infringement against Universal Studios was intended. If you're a fan of the Battlestar Galactica universe then please support it and buy the complete series available on various sites online or check your local retailers.
Battlestar Argus Copyright 2006. However, parts of this story can be used by anyone as long as credit is given to this site.
Battlestar Argus is fan fiction based on the Universal Studios owned and copyrighted Battlestar Galactica. This story was an exercise in learning how to write for the science fiction genre and no copyright infringement against Universal Studios was intended. If you're a fan of the Battlestar Galactica universe then please support it and buy the complete series available on various sites online or check your local retailers.
Battlestar Argus Copyright 2006. However, parts of this story can be used by anyone as long as credit is given to this site.